Saturday, February 25, 2012


I used a new seed starting mixture this year and fretted all week that it, for some reason, would not work. Now, I should know that given the right conditions, seeds can germinate in almost any soil, but there is always a slight concern when you try something different.  

Despite all that was just said...  I am so excited to introduce my first sprouts!!   

 Tomato Sprout...
 ... Mustard Green Sprouts ...
 ... Collard Green Sprouts ...
... and European Mesclun Sprouts peppered so beautifully green atop the compost!

These are my first glimpse(s) of hope for the 2012 growing season!  There should be more soon, as I have finally realized it gets warmer in the cold frame than in the house...

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Beginning

This post has dual meanings.  It is the first time I have ever attempted to blog; let my blogging adventure begin!

 AND..... Sunday, I started over 500 heirloom seeds (not even half of what I will plant from now until September) to begin my annual trek toward harvesting the fruits of my labor.    
 I have a love for heirloom vegetables-- there is something beautiful about their unique flavor palates, vibrant colors and imperfections; things you never get with GMO varieties.
 This blog will tell a story about food from start... to finish.  From seed to plate.  
 Above are flats of tomato (7 types), pepper (hot), leek and eggplant seeds. Below are collard and mustard greens, and a cold hardy lettuce mix inside my cold frame.  Who says you cant eat well in the winter?!   
While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease 
Genesis 8:22